Application Based Training = 10X Job

We firmly believe in 'Skill hai to Job Hai' (meaning 'Skills lead to Jobs'). In today's highly competitive world, skilled knowledge is essential for securing job opportunities. Only the fittest survive, so it is mandatory for everyone to enhance their skills. Here are some points on how we can help students achieve this objective:

Digital Learning Material - DLM


Class Status Sheet - CSS For Daily Class Tracking

Well Researched Study Material
Well Researched Study Material

Mobile APP
Mobile APP

Strategies For Struggling Students
Strategies For Struggling Students

We Reach our Goals

We have the Best Portfolios Accelerated skilled based training

”Top Skilled Students are Placed from Here Students we trained excelled the best in Job. ”

We understand the need of students and also aware about the market requirements we had the large number of students portfolios who are sucessfully working in different organisations.

Best Creative Excellence Award


Best Creative Excellence Award

Achiever of the year Award


Achiever of the year Award

Outstanding Tutor Silver Award


Outstanding Tutor Silver Award

Top Ranked Students are from here

Students we tutored excelled the best in Exams

Our Course Workflow

Training Tracking and HIT the Target


Day wise Action Plan - CSS

We have more than 20 years of experience in student training we learn one thing without proper planing and preparation a faculty can’t deliver its best to there students so we have proper Day wise action Plan which helpout the faculties while they deliver in the class.


Classwise Practice Assignment

For daily practice student need proper classwise without practice student can’t learn any computer software we have a set of well researched classwise Practice Assignment.


Regular Test and Assessment

While training Tracking is also most important part to get Success we have proper class wise and module wise test and Assessment series which help in Student Assessment on Regular Basis.


Focus on Interview Process

Get a job is not one day task it need proper focus and working and a series of activity we work on throughout the course tenure on the skills which helpout a student to achive his target

"Quality Education
At a Dream Cost"
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