Diploma in Web Designing - DWD

Training Mode
Course Duration
12 Months
Course Materials
Training Session
1 hrs.
Practical Learning
Market Exposure
Placement Sessions
Other Certifications

Course Overview

पढाने का अनोखा तरीका

1.My Business Card

  • Document (Page Setup), Size of Business Card
  • Tools (Selection, Direct Selection , Shape Tool(Rectangle, Ellipse, Polygon)
  • Shapes Property Fill Color & Outline Color
  • File Menu New, Open, Save, Save as, Exit


  • Tools Gradient, Text Tool & its properties, Type on Path Tool
  • Object Menu Arrange, Group, Ungroup, Lock, Unlock
  • Place Image

3.Magazine Cover

  • Tools Text tool, Gradient Tool
  • Layout Menu Ruler Guides, Create Guides, Layout Adjustment
  • Object Menu Effects

4.Stylish Brochure Template

  • Tools Frame Tool (Ellipse, Rectangle, Polygon), Eye Dropper, Pen, Pencil, Eraser, Line
  • Object Menu Corner Options, Pathfinder"
  • Layout Menu Columns, Ruler Guides, Create Guides, Layout Adjustment

5.Books & News Paper Publishing

  • Layout Menu Add Page, Go to Page, Edit In Story, Auto flow
  • Page Pallete Insert Page Number, Master Page
  • Type Menu Drop Cap, Bullets & Numbering, Alignments


  • Type Menu Character, Paragraph, Table & Object style
  • Layout Menu Table Of Contents

7.Design & Database Fusion-Merging

  • Window Menu Data Merge
  • File Menu Export

8.Mail and Print

  • Types of Printing
  • File Menu Export, Print

1.Layering - Backbone Of Picture /Photo

  • Intro Photoshop, Application of Photoshop
  • Difference Between Image & Layer
  • Color Foreground & Background
  • Tools Move, Marquee, Zoom, Hand
  • File Menu New, Open, Save

2.Play With Background

  • Tools Pencil tool , sharpen , smudge , dodge
    ,burn , sponge , Lasso, Magic Wand, Crop, Slice
  • Layer pallete new, duplicate,delete,
  • Image menu color balance, hue & saturation

3.Masking (Amazing creativity)

  • Tools Brush tool
  • Layer Menu Layer Mask, Vector Mask, Clipping Mask
  • Filter Menu Effects

4.Movie Poster Making

  • Gradient ,eraser , paint, bucket, eye dropper
  • Layer menu layer style ,merge visible, merge down, flattern 

5.Wedding Album

  • Tools  Pattern Stamp, History Brush, Art History Brush
  • Layer Menu Masking

6.Logo Creation

  • Tools Text and its Parts
  • Image Menu modes (RGB, CYMK ,Grayscale)
  • Shape Tools Custom Shape Tool, Other Shapes

7.Day to Night Conversion , Water Ripple

  • Tools Pen, Path Selection, Direct Selection
  • Edit Menu Define Brush
  • View Menu Ruler

8.Retouching Image

  • Tools Healing Brush, Patch, Clone Stamp, History Brush, Smudge
  • Layer Pallate Blending Modes

9.Light & Glow

  • Filter Menu Extract, Liquefier, Distort, Stylize, Artistic Gallery
  • Layer Pallate Blending Modes

10.Animated Photo & Waterfall

  • Layer Pallete Adjustment Layer
  • Image Menu Adjustment
  • Window Menu Animation (Frames , Timeline)

11.Web Layout/Thumbnail

  • Filter Menu Vanishing Point
  • Edit Menu Free Transform

12.Passport Size Photos

  • File Menu Automate (Batch Create Droplet, Conditional Mode Change, Fit Image, Photo Merge, Crop & Straighten Photo, Picture Package, Contact sheet II Action)
  • Layer Menu Smart Object

13.2D Painting

  • Image Menu Adjustment Options
  • Layer Menu Blending Options



  • Intro of Illustrator, Document (page Setup)
  • Tools Selection Tool, Direct Selection Tools, Shape Tool(Rectangle, Rounded Rectangle, Ellipse, Polygon), Bloat Tool, Warp Tool
  • Shape Property Fill Color & Outline Color
  • Clipping Mask

2.Logo Creation

  • Tools Gradient, Pen Twirl, Pucker, Scalop , Crystalize, Wrinkle, Group Selection, Magic Wand, Lasso
  • Object Menu Arrange Group, Ungroup, Lock, Unlock, Hide, Show
  • File Menu Place Image

3.Create Your Own Pattern / Now Your Creativity

  • Tools Text & Its Part, Line Segment, Arc, Spiral, Polar Grid, Rectangle Grid,
  • Symbol & Its Part, Shape Bulider tool ,object menu :Blend

4.Floral Vector

  • Tools Brush, Pencil, Smooth, Path Eraser, Rotate, Reflect
  • Object Menu Blend Option
  • Effects Menu Distort & Transaction
  • Window Menu Align, Gradient, New Brush

5.Social Media Post

  • Tools Scale, Shear Text tool, Gradient tool
  • Object Menu Clipping Mask
  • Effects Menu Photoshop Effects

6.Boucher /Flyer Designing

  • Tools Shapes, Pen tool, Gradient
  • Type Menu (Font, Recent Fonts, Size, Glyphs, Area Type options, Type on a path, Create Outlines, Find Fonts, Change Case
  • Object Menu Clipping Mask
  • View Menu Ruler Guide

7.3D Fun

  • Effects Menu 3D > Extrude And Bevel
  • Tools Eraser, Hand, Zoom, Star, Flare
  • Edit Menu Copy, Paste in Front, Paste in Back , Key board shortcuts

8.Beautiful Flower pot With Symbol

  • Object Menu Expand & Expand Appearance
  • Effects Menu 3D > Revolve
  • Tools Shapes, Pen Tool, Star, Flare

9.Funny Hairy Text (Effect)

  • Effect Menu Distort and Transaction, Pathfinder
  • Object Menu Blend Options

10.Portrait (Vector Art)

  • Tools Pen tool, Pencil Tool
  • Object Menu Live Trace
  • Effects Menu Illustrator Effects, Convert To Shape, Distort & Transform, Stylize

11.Landscape ( Scenery)

  • Effects Menu Photoshop Effects( Noise , Flim Grain ,Grain, etc)
  • Tools:- pen tool , Brush Tool
  • Object Menu :- Path , Offset Path

12.Mandala Art (Graphics)

  • Window Menu Pathfinder, Swatches, Transform, Transparency, Creating Symbols
    Brush Pallete & Creating Brush,

13.Smart Features

  • Window Menu  Align, Appearance & Creating Texture Using Appearance, Graphic Style, etc

14.Car Parking ( Smart Features)

  • Theory - Revision (Assignment Solve)
  • Practical Day - Written Test

1.Learn Web Development 

  • HTML Basic Intro and Version
  • Elements & Tags , Types of elements(Empty and Container)
  • Basic HTML element, Hgroup
  • Element(H1 to H6)

2.Styles your webpage

  • Using Font Element & Its Attributes
  • Styles Element (B,I,U,SUB,SUP,EM,MARK)
  • Paragraph Element ,Contents Editable
  • Center Element, BR element

3.News Section/Digital Showroom

  • Image Element, Image Placeholder, Image Map
  • Quotation Element (q , bdo , abbr, address)
  • Marquee Element

4.Landing Site/Linking 

  • Types of Linking : (Local, Interrnal, External, Download, Mail)
  • Anchor Element and its Atributes

5.Count The Points

  • Order List , Unorder List, Nested List
  • Definition List

6.Result Declaration

  • Table Element
    Its Components (TR, TH, TD)
    Its Attributes
  • Rows &column Merge, Caption Element


  • Frameset Element
    Frameset Rows, Frameset Cols, Frame Src ,
  • Iframe Element

8.Video/Audio Gallery

  • Use Video Element And Audio Element

9.Enquiry Form/Lead Generation

  • Form Element
  • Input Element And Its Type
    (Text, Radio, Checkbox, Number, range, Email, Password, Button, Submit, Reset, Image, File, Color, Date, Time, Date time-Local, Search)

10.Banking Form/KYC Form

  • Form Element
  • Advance Attribute of  Input Element (Autocomplete, Autofocus, Tab index, Required, Size, Step)
  • Advance Form Element (Select, Text area, Field set, Legend) 

1.Dynamic Site

  • CSS Introduction
  • Types Of CSS
    (Inline CSS , Embedded CSS, Link/External CSS)

2.Blocks Creation

  • DIV Element, Span Element , Margin, Padding, ID & Class

3.Background Magic

  • Background Effects
  • Background Properties
  • Gradient Background
  • Linear, Radial, Angular, Diagonal, Repeating
  • Browser Supports Key

4.Customize Text

  • Formatting Text Font Properties
  • Text Properties Text-Overflow, Word-Break, Word-Wrap, Columns
  • Border Effects Style, Width, Color

5.Designer List/Chart Library

  • Modified List & Tables
    List Properties, Table Properties
  • Shadow Effect Box-shadow, Text-Shadow
  • Round Corners
  • Div, Button etc 

6.Menu Bars/Google Map

  • Creating Menu Bar, Anchor Properties, Transition Effects
  • Hover Effect Text, Image

7.Timeline/Animated Webpage

  • Animation/Transition
  • 2D Animation And 3D Animation

Introduction Of  WordPress

  • WordPress intro 
  • Xmapp Intro
  • Apace , SQL , Localhost 
  • PHP,  my admin

Log-in Directory Interface

  • Dashboard 
  • Front end , Backend Appearance
  • Theme , Site Identity

Menu/Page Creation 

  • Page (Simple)
  • ADD,
  • Edit
  • Delete
  • Menu Location


  • About Plugins
  • Download , Activate
  • Elementor 
  • (Text, Inner Section, Button Video , Heading ,Image)


  • Contact From , Short Code
  • WP-from
  • Gravity Form
  • Formidable From
  • Ninja From


  • Envira Gallery
  • Nextgen Gallery
  • Photo Gallery By Loweb
  • Lightbox 
  • Divi Gallery Extended

Widgets & Posts

  • Widgets 
  • Main, Secondary Post
  • Add , Delete , Edit 
  • Category
  • Tags

Roles and Capabilities Of User

  • Administrator , Super Admin 
  • Author , Editor 
  • Subscriber 
  • Add Plugins 
  • Easy Collage Plugins

Comments And Appearanc

  • Comment 
  • Moderate & Unmoderated 
  • Hide Comments Appearance
  • Style.CSS , 404 Template 

Website Completion

  • Revision

Google Sites 

  • Intro Of Google Sheet 
  • Creation a Website

Advance In Google Sheet 

  • Page Creation

Google Site With Google Other App

  • Docs, Sheets , Sliders , Form

1.Create Your Website Dynamic

  • PHP Language Into & Scripting
  • Client & Server 
  • Client & Server Side Language
  • Architecture
  • Simple Program

2.PHP Variables

  • Keywords (Print & Echo)
  • Variables 
  • Comment (Single , Multiline)
  • Program related to HTML , CSS & JAVA SCRIPT

3.PHP Operators

  • Operators(Logical , Comparison , Arithmetic , String , Concatenation )
  • String Indexing
  • Simple Program (using html elements in PHP program)

4.Datatypes & String Functions  

  • String Function (Strlen , strpos)
  • Data Type(String , Integer , Float , Boolean , Array ,NULL)
  • Program

5.PHP Function

  • Function
  • User Defined 
  • Simple Program
  • (Prog. Related Function)

6.Constant & Global Constants

  • Global Constant
  • Simple Program 

7.Conditional Statement

  • If
  • If-Else 
  • Nested-If
  • If-else-if
  • Simple Program

8.Switch Case

  • Switch Program

9.Level -1 

  • Revision & Test

10.Control Statement

  • Loop & Types
  • While Loop
  • Do While Loop
  • For & Foreach Loop
  • Nested Loop
  • Break Continue
  • Simple Program


  • Type Of Array
  • Indexed Array
  • Associative Array
  • Multi-dimensional Array 
  • Function Of Array


  • Function (User Defined , Pre define
  • Function with arggruments (Call by Reference)
  • Data & Time Functions

13.Include File

  • Include files with another webpages
  • Include required (Display multiple webpages in a single webpage

14.Collecting & Receiving Data From Website

  • Super Global Variables
  • $_COOKIE()
  • Isset() , Unset()
  • Program

15.Data Base Connectivity

  • Connecting Database (MySQL)
  • MySQL Commands
  • Data Base & Data Table Creation 
  • Connecting online from with their Data base
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