
Diploma In Advance Graphic Designing - DAGD

Number of Classes : 210

The level or the year of study for which the class is intended.

Batch Size : 20

Batch size refers to the number of training instances in the batch.

Duration : 4 Months

The predetermined time span provided for completing a course.

Download Course Brochure
  • Application Based Training-ABT Tools and Application
    My Business Card
    • Document (Page Setup), Size of Business Card
    • Tools (Selection, Direct Selection , Shape Tool(Rectangle, Ellipse, Polygon)
    • Shapes Property Fill Color & Outline Color
    • File Menu New, Open, Save, Save as, Exit
    • Tools Gradient, Text Tool & its properties, Type on Path Tool
    • Object Menu Arrange, Group, Ungroup, Lock, Unlock
    • Place Image
    Magazine Cover
    • Tools Text tool, Gradient Tool
    • Layout Menu Ruler Guides, Create Guides, Layout Adjustment
    • Object Menu Effects
    Stylish Brochure Template
    • Tools Frame Tool (Ellipse, Rectangle, Polygon), Eye Dropper, Pen, Pencil, Eraser, Line
    • Object Menu Corner Options, Pathfinder
    • Layout Menu Columns, Ruler Guides, Create Guides, Layout Adjustment
    Books & News Paper Publishing
    • Layout Menu Add Page, Go to Page, Edit In Story, Auto flow
    • Page Pallete Insert Page Number, Master Page
    • Type Menu Drop Cap, Bullets & Numbering, Alignments
    • Type Menu Character, Paragraph, Table & Object style
    • Layout Menu Table Of Contents
    Design & Database Fusion-Merging
    • Window Menu Data Merge
    • File Menu Export
    Mail and Print
    • Types of Printing
    • File Menu Export, Print

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